16 Oct
Fidget spinners are literally everywhere. When I’m on my way to university I see parents with children playing with fidget spinners, on the weekend I see children in groups playing with fidget spinners and now I’m seeing them in space. If you don’t know what fidget spinners are then this is what they look like and all they really do is spin. Although, they ‘just’ spin, there is quite a lot of physics involved in fidget spinners. They work...
16 Oct
When you transform your house into a smart home, you put the power to control your home’s systems, appliances, and security into the palm of your hand. Most smart home gadgets can be controlled through apps installed on your smartphone, which makes managing your home—and your life—easier than ever before. ● Smart homes are more energy efficient, which saves you money and helps reduce your carbon footprint. ● Smart technology makes your home more secure. You can lock doors remotely, double-check the...
16 Oct
A recent report from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (surely a fun place to work), confirms that LED lighting continues to pull ahead of Compact Fluorescents and Incandescents in performance per watt.
It’s a great time to replace your bulbs, and it’s only getting better!